Travel by public trans­port

The closest bus stop is 150 metres from Villa Sonnen­berg and Lenzburg station is a 20-minute walk through the lovely old town.

Travel by car

Villa Sonnen­berg is located in a traffic-free zone. The quiet loca­tion is a priv­ilege that we treasure. There are no parking spaces avail­able. Please use the Seifi car park or the castle car park if you need to park your vehicle, both of which are a 5-minute walk away.

The best time to reach us by tele­phone is Monday to Friday between 8.00 and 11.30 am.

Please send an email or try calling us on another occa­sion if your call is not answered.

Villa Sonnen­berg Team

We take great care and pleasure in caring for and cultiv­ating the listed building and are committed to living and working in harmony with the house and surrounding nature. We aim to celeb­rate the simple beauty of the moment with the authen­tic­ally inspired range of services and ensure guests leave with fresh, lasting memories.

Sibylle Dorn­bierer
062 521 11 00

Daniela Comuzzi

Helene Kunz

Ursula Veuve
Gast­ge­berin und Hauswirtschaf­terin

Brigitte Blumen­stein

Giorgio Frainer