Devdatta Padekar
Devdatta Padekar
Devdatta Padekar
Devdatta Padekar
Devdatta Padekar
Devdatta Padekar
Devdatta Padekar
Devdatta Padekar

Devdatta Padekar, *1978, Mumbai, Indien

Devdatta Padekar "I consider “A/Symmetry” an inte­res­ting theme and as I give more thought to it and relate it with my art, it gives rise to new ideas and at same time, new ques­tions too. In almost every form of nature, there’s both symmetry and asym­metry, yet it has its own func­tion and a purpose. In fact, man-made objects and things are more symme­trical than asym­me­trical. I would consider Villa Sonnen­berg Artist in Resi­dence as very thought-provo­king resi­dency for me as it will chal­lenge my own beliefs and concep­tions about art that I consider them right. Just as every coin has its two sides, there is also another side which can be right unless you deeply think of it in unbiased and neutral manner."

Devdatta Padekar

Geboren 1978 in Indien, studierte Devdatta Padekar an der J.J. School of Art in Mumbai. Er schloss 1999 mit einem Bachelor of Fine Arts in Malerei und 2001 mit einem Master of Fine Arts in Portrait­ma­lerei ab. Das briti­sche Cheve­ning-Stipen­dium brachte ihn nach London an das Camber­well College of Arts. Er gewann auf nati­o­naler und inter­na­ti­o­naler Ebene mehrere Preise, darunter im Jahr 2006 den Eliz­abeth Greens­hields Foun­da­tion Award in Kanada. Padekar ist Voll­zeit­maler und reali­sierte bislang 12 Einzelausstel­lungen. Seine Werke befinden sich in der Nati­onal Gallery of Modern Art in Mumbai und in mehrere privaten Samm­lungen in Indien und im Ausland.
